Transitional Bag Drill

A bag drill to work combinations at different heights and distances. The drill can be decomposed into smaller composites and the learning is within these composites. The learning should not be focused on how well you know the entire drill but the lessons contained therein. The drill can also be applied to Two Person training in which one person feeds focus mitts.

Variations can be applied with the pad holder feeding shots, with the partner using guard and slips.

  1. Checking & slipping

  2. Guard & cover

  3. Jab, cross & hook

  4. Drop, body shot, body shot, upper cut & upper cut

  5. Rising elbow, circular elbow & circular elbow

  6. Grasp hands behind head (bag), front vertical knee and back circular knee

  7. Control head (bag) circular elbow & circular elbow

  8. Push, front leg round house kick, front leg round house kick

  9. Strike and grab around the head (bag), back knee & diagonal elbow.   

  10. Repeat for a three minute round.

  11. Repeat for twelve rounds.

A bag drill to work combinations at different heights and distances. The drill can be decomposed into smaller composites.


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